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Resources with the topic "Creationism"

10 resources available for you

A Matter of Days Book

Hugh Ross (Author)

How long were the creation days of Genesis—hours or epochs? Does belief in an old earth equate to belief in evolution? Was there any kind of death before the Fall?

The length of the creation days in Genesis sparks a storm of controversy. At the core of the debate, where lightning strikes and thunder roars, lie key questions whose answers promise hope for resolution.

In A Matter of Days, author and astronomer Hugh Ross addresses these questions and explores how the creation-day controversy developed. History, theology, science, and Scripture reveal creation's big picture.

About the updated edition
In the …

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Published on:
June 01, 2004
Navpress Pub Group
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Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix? Book

John C Lennox (Author)

"In this accessible and engaging introduction, [John Lennox] guides us through the great debates about science and faith, and offers incisive assessments of the issues." Alister McGrath, Professor of Science and Religion, University of Oxford

Is the rigorous pursuit of scientific knowledge really compatible with a sincere faith in God?

Building on the arguments put forward in God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?, Prof John Lennox examines afresh the plausibility of a Christian theistic worldview in the light of some of the latest developments in scientific understanding. Prof Lennox focuses on the areas of evolutionary theory, the origins of life …

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Published on:
September 17, 2021
Lion Books
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Navigating Genesis: A Scientist's Journey through Genesis 1-11 Book

Hugh Ross (Author)

Is constructive integration of Genesis 1-11 with the current scientific knowledge possible? Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense that s the commonly held misconception. When pushed for examples, skeptics point to the early part of Genesis, with stories of creation, the flood, and 900-year life spans as proof. Examining recent scientific discoveries, astronomer and pastor Dr. Hugh Ross explores the opening chapters in Genesis and shows how they hold some of the strongest scientific evidence for the Bible s supernatural accuracy. Navigating Genesis expands upon Ross earlier book The Genesis Question (1998), integrating the message of both the Bible … Access details page
Published on:
March 01, 2014
RTB Press
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Origins of life Book

Fazale Rana (Author) & Hugh Ross (Author)

For years, naturalistic theories have monopolized academia as the only possible scientific explanation for the origin of life. But there's something many people don't know—the facts just don't support such theories.

In Origins of Life, biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross reveal a model that shows how perspectives on life's beginnings can be tested—as a creation event—with astounding results. Rana and Ross challenge the myth that scientific evidence supports naturalistic theories and show how research corroborates a transcendent Creator who formed and nurtured the initial life-forms, and more.

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Published on:
September 02, 2014
RTB Press
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Seven Days That Divide the World, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science Book

John C Lennox (Author)

Now revised and updated - John Lennox's acclaimed method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture. What did the writer of Genesis mean by "the first day?" Are the seven days in Genesis 1 a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old as cosmologists believe, am I denying the authority of Scripture? With examples from history, a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into the particular significance of the creation of human beings, Lennox suggests … Access details page
Published on:
October 12, 2021
5:37:00 (HH:MM:SS)
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The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God Book

Hugh Ross (Author)

Few of us can venture outside on a clear, dark night without pausing for a silent, reflective gaze at the stars. For countless centuries, people have felt a sense of wonder about the heavens. How did our universe come into being? Has it always been here? Is our existence the result of chance or of supernatural design? Is God "out there"? If so, what is God like?

Whether you are skeptical of God's existence or seeking scientific support for your faith, The Creator and the Cosmos will enable you to see how the heavens do declare the glory of God …

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Published on:
March 01, 2018
11:02:00 (HH:MM:SS)
RTB Press
Narrated by:
Tom Parks
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Who Was Adam? A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Humanity Book

Hugh Ross (Author) & Fazale Rana (Author)

Who was Adam? Was he the result of still ongoing natural processes or a unique creation?

Ten years ago, in the first edition of Who Was Adam?, biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross proposed a ground-breaking new approach to probe questions about human origins. This approach, which they have called the “testable creation model,” advanced the radical idea that the traditional biblical view of Adam and Eve has scientific credibility.

The first half of this updated edition has left the original manuscript in tact. The second half then reflects on how the model has fared in light of a …

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Published on:
August 31, 2015
RTB Press
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Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox Podcast episode

Frank Turek (Host) & John C Lennox (Guest)

One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has disproven atheism. How can that be? The Great Dr. John Lennox, Professor at Oxford University, joins Frank to offer answers by discussing his new book Cosmic Chemistry. They address questions such as:

  • What can science explain and what are its limits— what can’t it explain?
  • What are new developments in science that are pointing more toward intelligence as a cause?
  • How does atheistic materialism negate our ability to …
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The Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God Podcast show

Justin Brierley (Host)

Could the tide of faith be ready to come in again in our generation?

This long-form documentary podcast presented by Justin Brierley, tells the story of why new atheism grew old and secular thinkers are considering Christianity again. Featuring interviews with secular and Christian thinkers this series accompanies the book 'The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God'.

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Hugh Ross vs Peter Atkins - Debating the origins of the laws of nature Video

Justin Brierley (Host) & Hugh Ross (Guest) & Peter Atkins (Guest)

Justin Brierley is joined by Astrophysicist and President of Reasons To Believe, Dr Hugh Ross and professor of physical chemistry Dr Peter Atkins to discuss whether the origins of the laws of nature lie in God or in ‘nothing’

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Published on:
August 10, 2018
1:03:38 (HH:MM:SS)
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