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Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix? Book

"In this accessible and engaging introduction, [John Lennox] guides us through the great debates about science and faith, and offers incisive assessments of the issues." Alister McGrath, Professor of Science and Religion, University of Oxford

Is the rigorous pursuit of scientific knowledge really compatible with a sincere faith in God?

Building on the arguments put forward in God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?, Prof John Lennox examines afresh the plausibility of a Christian theistic worldview in the light of some of the latest developments in scientific understanding. Prof Lennox focuses on the areas of evolutionary theory, the origins of life and the universe, and the concepts of mind and consciousness to provide a detailed and compelling introduction to the science and religion debate. He also offers his own reasoning as to why he continues to be convinced by a Christian approach to explaining these phenomena.

Robust in its reasoning, but respectful in tone, this book is vital reading for anyone exploring the relationship between science and God.

Published on:
September 17, 2021
Lion Books
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John C Lennox (Author)

Professor John C. Lennox, born in 1943, stands as a prominent figure in Christian apologetics, bridging the gap between science and faith with his expertise in mathematics and unwavering belief. His remarkable journey has taken him from delving into complex equations to defending the compatibility of reason and faith, captivating audiences with his intellectual arguments and challenging skeptics with his wit.

Lennox's intellectual pursuits unfolded from a young age. He excelled in mathematics at The Royal School Armagh in Northern Ireland, later attending Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was even present for C.S. Lewis' final lectures. He earned his Masters and Ph.D. in mathematics, specializing in group theory, and embarked on a successful academic career.

While deeply entrenched in the world of mathematics, a life-changing experience led Lennox to embrace Christianity. This personal awakening ignited a new passion – to reconcile his faith with his academic background. He began participating in debates, challenging prominent atheists like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens with his articulate arguments and deep understanding of both science and theology.

Lennox's impact extends beyond intellectual debates. He authored numerous books, including "Has Science Buried God?" and "Can Science Explain Everything?", demonstrating how scientific discoveries can support, rather than contradict, a belief in God. He actively lectures at universities and conferences worldwide, inspiring audiences with his engaging style and accessible approach to complex topics.

Beyond his intellectual pursuits, Lennox also values his personal life. Married to Sally with three children, he embodies the ideals he defends. His journey exemplifies the fruitful dialogue between faith and reason, offering a compelling case for those seeking to explore the intersection of science and Christianity with an open mind and a critical lens.

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Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox Podcast Epidode

One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has disproven atheism. How can that be? The Great Dr. John Lennox, Professor at Oxford University, joins Frank to offer answers by discussing his new book Cosmic Chemistry. They address questions such as:

  • What can science explain and what are its limits— what can’t it explain?
  • What are new developments in science that are pointing more toward intelligence as a cause?
  • How does atheistic materialism negate our ability to reason and our ability to do science?
  • Why does science depend on an intelligent being?
  • What is the origin of natural laws?
  • What is the origin of information and why can’t information be explained by natural laws?
  • Why does evolution fail to disprove God?
  • Even if macroevolution is true, how do we know there is an intelligence behind the evolutionary process?
  • What about the “God of the gaps” objection?

Dr. Lennox is his usual cogent and winsome self-offering analogies that help us all understand complex subjects.

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