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Resources with the topic "Secularism"

3 resources available for you

The Case for Miracles Book

Lee Strobel (Author)

Lee Strobel, a former atheist and legal journalist, embarks on a quest to investigate the validity of miracles in his book "The Case for Miracles." He begins by interviewing Dr. Michael Shermer, a well-known skeptic, who presents arguments against the existence of miracles, often citing the improbability of defying natural laws. This challenge serves as the foundation for Strobel's exploration.

Strobel then delves into personal accounts of miraculous events, including healings and interventions seemingly defying scientific explanation. He also engages with experts like Dr. Gary Habermas, a philosopher of religion, and Dr. Richard Dawkins, a renowned evolutionary biologist, who offer …

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Published on:
March 31, 2020
7:59:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Narrated by:
Lee Strobel
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The Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God Podcast show

Justin Brierley (Host)

Could the tide of faith be ready to come in again in our generation?

This long-form documentary podcast presented by Justin Brierley, tells the story of why new atheism grew old and secular thinkers are considering Christianity again. Featuring interviews with secular and Christian thinkers this series accompanies the book 'The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God'.

Documentary Website:

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Eric Chabot (Creator)
Created by Eric Chabot, this website was created for the purpose of responding to critics, seekers and doubters. Access details page Login to add to your collections
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