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87 Books or Publications available for you

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again Book

Justin Brierley (Author)

Could We Be Witnessing a Return of Belief in Our Generation?

Justin Brierley is convinced that in our time we are witnessing a growing wave of faith.

Famously described as the “long, withdrawing roar” of the “Sea of Faith,” the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But is that the end of the story?

It was a conversation with agnostic journalist Douglas Murray that led Brierley to investigate whether a change was on the horizon. Speaking of the “Sea of Faith,” Murray remarked that tides come back in again and that a number of …

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Published on:
September 12, 2023
8:05:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Tyndale Elevate
Narrated by:
Justin Brierley
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The Way to Win Book

Jeff Little (Author) & John C Maxwell (Foreword)

When we find something valuable that helps us accomplish the things that matter most, we don't let go of it. Life is not a game. However, on multiple occasions, the Bible uses competitive sports metaphors to demonstrate the discipline and training necessary to grow and become everything God created you to be. The things we care about most -- our identity, our purpose, our relationships -- are far more important than a game. We have to learn to win in these areas.

We understand development when it comes to sports, our careers, our hobbies, and even our personal lives. There …

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Published on:
October 04, 2022
6:05:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Milestone Resources
Narrated by:
Jeff Little
Book share status:
In registry

Turn the Tide: How to Ignite a Cultural Awakening (From Revival to Reformation) Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can change the world instead of the world changing us.

This book will provide the information you need so you can be effectively used by the Holy Spirit to bring reformation to our society in the wake of spiritual revival. You will see how God can use you in both big and small ways to fulfill His great commission.

How can a spiritual outpouring in the church become a cultural awakening in the society? How can we move from revival to reformation?

In Turn the Tide, Michael L. Brown, PhD, lays out …

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Published on:
May 07, 2024
Charisma House
Book share status:
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Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better Book

Brant Hansen (Author)

Unoffendable, now revised and updated with two new chapters, gives you a concrete, practical way to live life with less stress. In our easily offended, cancel-culture society, learn how to replace perpetual frustration and anger with refreshing humility and gratitude. It turns out giving up your "right" to be offended can be one of the most freeing, healthy, simplifying, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, encouraging things you can do. It's a radical, provocative idea: We're not entitled to get offended or stay angry. The idea of our own "righteous anger" is a myth. It is the number one problem in our societies … Access details page
Published on:
January 10, 2023
4:50:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Thomas Nelson;
Narrated by:
Brant Hansen
Book share status:
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Who Was Adam? A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Humanity Book

Hugh Ross (Author) & Fazale Rana (Author)

Who was Adam? Was he the result of still ongoing natural processes or a unique creation?

Ten years ago, in the first edition of Who Was Adam?, biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross proposed a ground-breaking new approach to probe questions about human origins. This approach, which they have called the “testable creation model,” advanced the radical idea that the traditional biblical view of Adam and Eve has scientific credibility.

The first half of this updated edition has left the original manuscript in tact. The second half then reflects on how the model has fared in light of a …

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Published on:
August 31, 2015
RTB Press
Book share status:
In registry
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Sexuality and Gender

Sexuality and Gender Publication

Lawrence S. Mayer (Author) & Paul R McHugh (Author) & Center for the Study of Technology and Society (Publisher)

The "Sexuality and Gender" report, published by the Center for the Study of Technology and Society, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific research related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The report draws on findings from various disciplines, including biology, psychology, and social sciences. It examines a wide range of topics, delving into the biological, environmental, and hormonal factors that influence sexuality and gender identity. Additionally, it explores the connection between brain structure and function and sexual orientation.

A significant portion of the report focuses on health outcomes associated with sexual orientation and gender identity. It highlights …

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Published on:
September 01, 2016
The Center for the Study of Technology and Society
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Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Proximal Intercessory Prayer (STEPP) on Auditory and Visual Impairments in Rural Mozambique

Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Proximal Intercessory Prayer (STEPP) on Auditory and Visual Impairments in Rural Mozambique Publication

Southern Medical Association (Publisher)

This study by the Southern Medical Association investigated the potential therapeutic effects of proximal intercessory prayer (PIP) on hearing and vision impairments in rural Mozambique. PIP differs from distant intercessory prayer (DIP) in that the prayers are offered in the physical presence of the recipient. The researchers measured the hearing and vision of 24 participants (19 males, 5 females) before and after receiving PIP interventions.

The study found statistically significant improvements in both auditory and visual function following PIP. Hearing thresholds, measured at 3 kHz, showed significant improvement across the entire group. Similarly, binocular visual acuity increased significantly as well. …

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Published on:
September 01, 2010
Southern Medical Journal
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