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Resources with the topic "Jewish Messiah"

13 resources available for you

Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Vol 1): General and Historical Objections Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

In the first volume of this multi-part series, Dr. Brown addresses the most fundamental objections to Jesus raised by Jewish people, including the claim that you can't be Jewish and believe in Jesus. Brown also provides reflections on anti-Semitism in Church history and the meaning of the Holocaust.

Incisive and direct - this book provides an honest - fair - and thorough discussion of 35 common objections on general and historical themes. Believers and seekers alike will appreciate Brown's spiritually focused answers - which are thoroughly documented and footnoted.

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Published on:
February 01, 2000
Baker Books
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Vol 2): Theological Objections Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

In Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume 2, Michael Brown provides real answers to twenty-eight theological objections. He treats these objections seriously and fairly, building answers form the often surprising teachings in Rabbinic literature and the Hebrew Scriptures. As Browns answers progressively reveal, belief in Yeshua (Jesus) is not something alien to Jewish tradition but is profoundly rooted in that tradition, fulfilling its purpose.

Like its predecessor, it is filled with scriptural insights that will enable the reader to first understand and then effectively address concerns commonly raised.

Incisive and direct, this book provides an honest, fair, and thorough discussion …

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Published on:
November 01, 2000
Baker Books
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Vol 3): Messianic Prophecy Objections Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

Using the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic texts and the New Testament, Michael Brown provides thorough answers to nearly forty such objections. This third installment of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus looks specifically at questions raised about messianic prophecies in Isaiah, Daniel, Psalms, Haggai, and Zechariah.

It’s an invaluable resource for seekers and for anyone wanting to point students of the Torah to Jesus.

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Published on:
March 01, 2003
Baker Books
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Vol 4): New Testament Objections Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

In this volume of the Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus series, Dr. Brown counters the argument that "the New Testament mistranslates, misuses, and misunderstands the Hebrew Scriptures" and also addresses the objection that Jesus or Paul abolished the Law.

He resolves issues such as how the New Testament quotes and interprets the Old Testament, the historical accuracy of the New Testament, apparent contradictions in the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, pagan influences on Christian teachings, and whether or not Jesus abolished the Torah.

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Published on:
December 01, 2006
Baker Books
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus (Vol 5): Traditional Jewish Objections Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

In the fifth and final volume of this highly-acclaimed series, Dr. Brown provides a comprehensive refutation of the traditional Jewish concept that there is a binding, authoritative Oral Law going back to Moses.

While showing great respect for his people's traditions, Brown dispels the idea that only traditional Jews can rightly understand the Hebrew Scriptures. He demonstrates that the written Word alone carries absolute authority, and when there is a conflict between the Bible and tradition, Jews are called to follow the Bible.

This study will revolutionize the lives of both Jewish and Christian readers.

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Published on:
January 21, 2010
Purple Pomegranate Productions
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Resurrection: Investigating a Rabbi From Brooklyn, a Preacher From Galilee, and an Event That Changed the World Book

Michael L Brown (Actor)

Uncover the Jewish roots of your faith and gain a fresh new perspective on the resurrection of Jesus.

In 1994, after one of the greatest rabbis of the 20th century died at the age of 92, his followers began to proclaim him as the Messiah.

They expected him to rise from the dead and even come again.
Is this possible?
Could a deceased rabbi be the Messiah?

In this fascinating book, biblical scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, takes you on a captivating journey beginning in 1994 New York, where this famous rabbi died, back through Jewish history, looking at little-known …

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Published on:
March 03, 2020
Charisma House
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The Real Kosher Jesus: Revealing the Mysteries of the Hidden Messiah Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

Michael L. Brown's "The Real Kosher Jesus" critiques the idea of a "Kosher Jesus" – a Jesus acceptable to Judaism. Brown argues that while recognizing Jesus (Yeshua) as a fellow Jew and rabbi is positive, it downplays his unique significance.

The book delves into the true identity and mission of Jesus. Brown explores various perspectives, including the Apostle Paul's influence on Christian theology about Jesus.

Brown promises a journey filled with discoveries and insights, challenging readers' preconceptions. He aims to present the "real story" of Jesus – the most famous Jew in history, a prophet, a rabbi, and for Brown, …

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Published on:
April 03, 2012
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The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah Book

Eric Chabot (Author)

The resurrection of Jesus is the one of the most important doctrines of the Christian faith. But Christians also proclaim Jesus is the Messiah. But what is the relationship between the claim Jesus is the Messiah and Judaism? How does the resurrection of Jesus relate to the claim Jesus is the Jewish Messiah? The author talks about these issues and many more in this important work.

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Published on:
June 07, 2019
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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Does the Resurrection of Jesus Prove He is the Jewish Messiah? with Eric Chabot Podcast episode

Frank Turek (Host) & Eric Chabot (Guest)

If Jesus rose from the dead, wouldn't that also demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the Messianic prophecies were about Him? Even if you can convince an orthodox Jew that the resurrection actually happened, it still may not be enough to persuade them that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. Where exactly is the disconnect and why do so many Jews (and even Christians) have trouble detecting the link between these prophecies and the events described in the Gospels?

This week, Frank invites Eric Chabot, author of the book 'The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah', and contributor …

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Published on:
March 12, 2024
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Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg Podcast show

Joel C. Rosenberg (Host)

Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times Bestselling Author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics. Joel and co-host Carl Moeller (Executive Director of The Joshua Fund) will discuss current events worthy of prayer or praise to the Lord and how they relate to end times prophecy. Access details page Login to add to your collections

The Line of Fire Podcast show

Michael L Brown (Host)

Join your host, activist, author, international speaker, and biblical scholar, Dr. Michael Brown, as he tackles the controversies, engages the culture, and challenges the status quo.

Michael Brown is the Director of the Coalition of Conscience and President of FIRE School of Ministry, and he’s taking your calls and answering your questions every week on the Line of Fire.

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Frank Turek Interview with Eric Chabot on Resurrection and Jesus being the Jewish Messiah Video

Frank Turek (Host) & Eric Chabot (Guest)

Interview where Eric Chabot was interviewed on Dr. Frank Turek's show Cross Examined about the topic of what they do on college campuses and the topic of how the resurrection relates to the Jesus being the Messiah. Access details page
Published on:
March 15, 2024
0:42:50 (HH:MM:SS)
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The Real Messiah

The Real Messiah Website

Michael L Brown (Creator)

Citing Dr Michael L. Brown regarding the purpose of the website:

One reason I created this website is to invite rabbis to engage with me in a public dialogue or debate concerning the Messiahship of Yeshua-Jesus. Interestingly, before I had invested years of study in the Hebrew Bible and rabbinic literature, rabbis would challenge me to debate, yet after a while, almost all of them refused to debate me.
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