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Resources with the topic "Homosexuality"

6 resources available for you

Can You Be Gay and Christian?: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality Book

Michael L Brown (Author)

How do we respond to gay people who tell us how much they love the Lord and experience God’s power? How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is the law of love, and that love requires us to embrace them as they are? What do we do with the argument that the Old Testament laws (such as the prohibition against homosexuality and the dietary laws) no longer apply?

Can You Be Gay and Christian? will provide solid biblical answers, clearly written and based on sound scholarship, in a compassionate way that causes the reader to …

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Published on:
May 06, 2014
Book share status:
In registry
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Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story Book

Christopher Yuan (Author) & Rosaria Butterfield (Foreword)

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel is a continuation of Dr. Yuan’s first book which introduced the concept of holy sexuality—chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage. God has uniquely qualified Dr. Yuan with personal experience and theological training to winsomely present a robust theology of sexuality in an approachable, practical, and relevant manner. Whether you want to share Christ to a loved one who identifies as gay or you're wrestling with questions of identity yourself, this book will help you better understand sexuality in light of God’s grand story and realize that holy sexuality is actually good news for all. …
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Published on:
November 20, 2018
7:24:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Narrated by:
Christopher Yuan
Book share status:
In registry
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In His Image: Delighting in God's Plan for Gender and Sexuality Movie

Kendra White (Director) & Michael L Brown (Creator)

In His Image is a critical and urgent message designed to equip the church to answer culturally controversial questions about gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective. Every church in America is filled with hurting people asking these tough questions: Can you be gay and be a Christian? What if someone genuinely feels trapped in the wrong body? Did God make me this way? Is change even possible?

This feature-length documentary presents much-needed truth with compassion and clarity through powerful personal testimonies, careful Bible teaching, and scientific evidence.

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Duration: 1:43:42 (HH:MM:SS) Login to add to your collections
Sexuality and Gender

Sexuality and Gender Publication

Lawrence S. Mayer (Author) & Paul R McHugh (Author) & Center for the Study of Technology and Society (Publisher)

The "Sexuality and Gender" report, published by the Center for the Study of Technology and Society, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific research related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

The report draws on findings from various disciplines, including biology, psychology, and social sciences. It examines a wide range of topics, delving into the biological, environmental, and hormonal factors that influence sexuality and gender identity. Additionally, it explores the connection between brain structure and function and sexual orientation.

A significant portion of the report focuses on health outcomes associated with sexual orientation and gender identity. It highlights …

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Published on:
September 01, 2016
The Center for the Study of Technology and Society
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HOLY SEXUALITY AND THE GOSPEL || Dr. Christopher Yuan Video

Christopher Yuan (Host)

We all know someone who identifies as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. How can Christians better share Jesus with our loved ones and friends in the LGBT community? What have we gotten wrong? How can we improve? Dr. Christopher Yuan combines his life experiences and his theological and biblical language background to teach a fully gospel-centric approach without any compromise of truth or grace. This will help us to think right (orthodoxy) before doing right (orthopraxy). After this session, Dr. Yuan will be taking questions from the audience.
Source: Access details page
Published on:
November 22, 2022
1:01:22 (HH:MM:SS)
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Sexuality and Gender - Report introduction Video

Center for the Study of Technology and Society (Creator)

Video introduction to the "Sexuality and Gender" report, published by the Center for the Study of Technology and Society, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific research related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Published on:
September 09, 2016
0:05:22 (HH:MM:SS)
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