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Resources with the topic "UFOs"

1 resources available for you

Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials Book

Hugh Ross (Author) & Kenneth R. Samples (Author) & Mark T. Clark (Author)

Across the spectrum of humankind there are beliefs and theories about UFOs and extraterrestrial life as diverse and numerous as the stars in the sky. Primarily, a dichotomy exists between naturalists who deny the supernatural and insist upon scientific explanations for all accounts, and mystics who attribute every unusual sighting to paranormal activity.

People everywhere are looking for honest answers. As believers, we neither shy away from the supernatural because it is unsettling nor condemn scientific explanations for their lack of spirituality. Rather, we search for truth.

In Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, the authors have initiated …

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Published on:
May 31, 2002
Reasons To Believe
Book share status:
In registry
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