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Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials Book

Across the spectrum of humankind there are beliefs and theories about UFOs and extraterrestrial life as diverse and numerous as the stars in the sky. Primarily, a dichotomy exists between naturalists who deny the supernatural and insist upon scientific explanations for all accounts, and mystics who attribute every unusual sighting to paranormal activity.

People everywhere are looking for honest answers. As believers, we neither shy away from the supernatural because it is unsettling nor condemn scientific explanations for their lack of spirituality. Rather, we search for truth.

In Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, the authors have initiated a search for truth to answers about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life. Using extensive scientific background and knowledge of the Scriptures, they approach these questions:

  • Could life exist on other planets?
  • Does documentation exist for UFO sightings and landings?
  • What has been the government's involvement in UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena?
  • Is there a relationship between UFO sightings and demonology?
  • How should believers approach the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

When we have questions about UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena, we should seek answers from qualified sources. Authors Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark have training and experience in the appropriate disciplines. They augment scientific and historical analysis with truths from God's Word to provide a balanced look at a controversial subject.

Published on:
May 31, 2002
Reasons To Believe
Book share status:
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Hugh Ross (Author)

Dr. Hugh Ross, born in 1945, stands at the crossroads of science and faith, bridging the perceived gap with his expertise in astrophysics and unwavering Christian belief. His remarkable journey has taken him from exploring the vastness of the universe to defending its compatibility with biblical truths, captivating audiences with his insights and challenging skeptics with his arguments.

Ross's fascination with science manifested early. A curious child, he devoured science textbooks and dreamed of unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. This passion led him to pursue a B.Sc. in physics from the University of British Columbia and a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto. Years of dedicated research followed, as he delved into the intricacies of stars, galaxies, and the origins of the universe.

Amidst his scientific pursuits, a profound personal transformation occurred. While studying the universe, Ross felt a growing conviction for its design and purpose, leading him to embrace Christianity. This pivotal moment ignited a new mission – to reconcile the seemingly disparate worlds of science and faith. He felt compelled to articulate how advancements in cosmology supported, rather than contradicted, Biblical narratives.

Driven by this mission, Ross established Reasons to Believe, a non-profit organization dedicated to communicating the compatibility of science and Christianity. He authored numerous books, including the bestseller "Why the Universe Is the Way It Is," presenting scientific evidence as a testament to God's intricate design. He also became a sought-after speaker, engaging audiences with his clear explanations and thought-provoking arguments, challenging the common misconception of an inherent conflict between science and faith.

Beyond his scientific expertise and apologetic endeavors, Ross actively cultivates meaningful connections. He serves as a pastoral team member at Christ Church Sierra Madre, demonstrating his commitment to integrating faith into everyday life. His story continues to inspire others to explore the wonders of the universe, not just through a scientific lens, but also through an open heart and a willingness to consider its divine dimension.

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Kenneth R. Samples (Author)

Philosopher and theologian Kenneth Richard Samples is a senior research scholar at Reasons to Believe, an organization that researches and communicates how God’s revelation in the Bible harmonizes with science and philosophy.

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Mark T. Clark (Author)

Mark T. Clark, PhD, is professor emeritus of political science and director of the National Security Studies program at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). He has published in a variety of scholarly venues on national security, nuclear weapons, arms control and intelligence, and the Christian perspective of just war doctrine. He coauthored (with Hugh Ross and Kenneth Samples) the book Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials.

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