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Resurrection: Investigating a Rabbi From Brooklyn, a Preacher From Galilee, and an Event That Changed the World Book

Uncover the Jewish roots of your faith and gain a fresh new perspective on the resurrection of Jesus.

In 1994, after one of the greatest rabbis of the 20th century died at the age of 92, his followers began to proclaim him as the Messiah.

They expected him to rise from the dead and even come again.
Is this possible?
Could a deceased rabbi be the Messiah?

In this fascinating book, biblical scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, takes you on a captivating journey beginning in 1994 New York, where this famous rabbi died, back through Jewish history, looking at little-known Jewish beliefs about the Messiah, potential Messiahs that emerged in each generation, and teachings about the reincarnated soul of the Messiah.

Dr. Brown then looks at the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus from his unique perspective as a Messianic Jew, demonstrating why Jesus’ resurrection uniquely confirms that He alone is the promised Messiah.

This page-turner is for everyone who is interested in the Jewish roots of our faith, everyone fascinated by Jewish tradition, and everyone wanting to gain a fresh new perspective on the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. It is also a great witnessing tool for Christians who want to share the good news of Yeshua the Messiah with their Jewish friends.


  • Provides new understanding from a Messianic Jewish perspective of how Jesus’ resurrection validates His claim of being the true Messiah
  • Serves as a tool to help Christians talk about Jesus with Jewish people
  • Presents a fascinating perspective for Christians interested in the Jewish roots of their faith
Published on:
March 03, 2020
Charisma House
Book share status:
In registry

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Michael L Brown (Actor)

Dr. Michael L. Brown, born in 1955, embodies a fascinating intersection of Jewish heritage, Christian faith, and a passionate pursuit of biblical understanding. His life journey, brimming with unexpected turns and unwavering convictions, reflects his dedication to apologetics, cultural engagement, and reviving spiritual awakening.

Brown's early path diverged from his eventual religious calling. Raised in a secular Jewish household, he embarked on a bohemian lifestyle during his youth, experimenting with drugs and immersing himself in the hippie counterculture. However, a dramatic conversion experience in 1971 led him to embrace Jesus as the Messiah, profoundly altering his trajectory.

Driven by his newfound faith, Brown embarked on a quest for knowledge. He earned a M.Div. from Master's Seminary and a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literature from New York University. This academic foundation fueled his passion for biblical scholarship, particularly focusing on Hebraic hermeneutics, a methodology emphasizing the original Hebrew context of scripture.

Beyond scholarly pursuits, Brown actively engages with a wide audience. He hosts the nationally syndicated radio show "The Line of Fire," known for its engaging debates and discussions on faith, culture, and current events. He also travels extensively, speaking at conferences and churches, engaging audiences with his dynamic message and approachable style.

Brown's influence extends beyond radio waves and lecture halls. He has authored over 40 books, tackling diverse topics like apologetics, anti-Semitism, and spiritual renewal. He actively participates in the Messianic Jewish movement, bridging the gap between Jewish and Christian communities. This lifelong pursuit of understanding and communication reflects his core belief in the transformative power of faith and the importance of open dialogue.

Dr. Michael L. Brown's journey illustrates the power of personal transformation and the unwavering pursuit of truth. As a scholar, apologist, and communicator, he continues to ignite conversations, challenge perspectives, and inspire individuals to delve deeper into their faith and understanding of the world.

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