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Resources with the topic "Free will"

2 resources available for you

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Book

Norman Geisler (Author) & Frank Turek (Author) & David Limbaugh (Foreword)

In "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist," Frank Turek argues that atheism requires more faith than belief in God. He challenges the idea that the universe arose by chance and suggests scientific principles like the Laws of Thermodynamics point to a purposeful design.

The book explores philosophical concepts like objective morality and the nature of truth. Turek contends that these concepts necessitate a source beyond the material world, which atheism cannot provide. He also examines the problem of evil, arguing that if God exists, evil must serve a greater purpose.

Turek dedicates sections to the reliability of …

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Published on:
March 01, 2004
14:33:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Narrated by:
Marcus Jackman
Book share status:
In registry
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Free Will: An Illusion? Podcast episode

Fazale Rana (Host)

The prominent neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky has created a stir with the recent publication of his book Determined. Based on a wide range of findings from neuroscience and genetics, Sapolsky argues that free will is an illusion. All of our decisions are predetermined by influences beyond our control.

In this episode, biochemist Fazale Rana discusses the radical and far-ranging implications of Sapolsky’s dangerous idea, before presenting the scientific evidence, demonstrating that free will really exists.

Rana concludes by offering a model for free will based on the Christian worldview.

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Published on:
January 24, 2024
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