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Resources with the topic "Biblical leadership"

1 resources available for you

Confronting Compromise: Stand For Truth - No Matter What Book

Joe Champion (Author)

Shifting truths, new worldviews, faith deconstruction, political and social upheaval, outrage addiction and “cancel culture” . . . we live in a world full of compromise. Yet, God has not called us to cave in but to confront it—beginning with our own lives. Confronting Compromise is an infusion of courage for those who are overwhelmed or just over it! It is a challenge to not back down—or back up—but to stand for truth, no matter what! What a fearful world needs is fearless leadership. In Confronting Compromise, Joe Champion utilizes riveting biblical narratives, inspiring personal stories, and no-nonsense applications that … Access details page
Published on:
March 09, 2022
Book share status:
In registry
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