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Why Would a GOOD God Create People He Knew Would Go to Hell? Podcast Epidode

If God knew that millions or billions of people would not only sin, but in the end reject Him and therefore spend eternity in Hell, why would He create mankind in the first place? In other words, why would God create people He knew would go to Hell? Wouldn't a "good" God create a universe where EVERYONE believes?

This week, Frank responds to these and other listener questions surrounding various topics like conversational prayer, the fear of sharing your faith, and how to reconcile God's foreknowledge with our free will. He'll also address the assertion from some atheists and skeptics that theists must provide "extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims", even though they don't hold themselves to the same (totally illogical) standards!

Published on:
March 26, 2024

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Frank Turek (Host)

Dr. Frank Turek's life took an unexpected turn when he traded Navy flight suits for the mantle of Christian apologist. Born in 1961, Turek's initial career path saw him navigating the skies as a US Navy aviator. However, during his service, he discovered a newfound faith through reading apologetic books, leading him to embrace Protestantism and embark on a new mission.

Turek’s intellectual curiosity fueled his pursuit of knowledge. He earned a Master's degree in Public Administration and a Doctorate in Apologetics, equipping himself with tools to thoughtfully articulate his faith. He even returned to academia, teaching Leadership and Management at George Washington University.

With a blend of passion and expertise, Turek began authoring and co-authoring books. Titles like "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" and "Stealing from God" garnered awards and captivated readers. More importantly, he founded, a platform where he presents his case for Christianity in engaging and often challenging settings. From churches and high schools to secular college campuses, he fearlessly engages in debates with prominent atheists like Christopher Hitchens, earning respect through his articulate arguments.

Turek's influence extends beyond books and debates. He is a sought-after media personality, featuring regularly on radio programs and top TV networks like Fox News. His writings reach a wider audience through columns on and other platforms.

Beyond his public persona, Turek cherishes his personal life. Married to Stephanie, they have raised three sons and are now enjoying the joys of grandparenthood.

Dr. Frank Turek's journey demonstrates the power of personal transformation and the importance of thoughtful dialogue. He continues to inspire and challenge audiences, using his unique background and intellectual prowess to make a compelling case for his faith.

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Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity Book

The book "Coming to Faith Through Dawkins," edited by Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath, explores the surprising journeys of twelve individuals who converted to Christianity.

Despite coming from diverse backgrounds and countries, these people share a common thread: they were initially drawn to the ideas of Richard Dawkins and other prominent new atheists.

However, upon closer examination, they found the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins lacking. This critical engagement with atheism led them to explore religious faith with greater objectivity.

The book challenges the notion that Christianity and science are inherently opposed. The contributors argue that a deep examination of their faith, often sparked by encountering new atheism, revealed its intellectual and rational foundation.

"Coming to Faith Through Dawkins" offers a unique perspective on the relationship between faith and reason, showcasing how critical thinking can lead to a stronger religious belief.

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