Friends of Elohim logo Unpack Doubts About Christianity, 1-on-1 Online with Experts. Unpack Doubts About Christianity, 1-on-1 Online with Experts. Web page

This is a website that offers help to Christians who are doubting their faith. The website connects users with experts who can answer their questions about Christianity. The experts are not mental health professionals, but they are qualified to address questions about the existence of God, the Bible, and Christian belief.

People who have used the website say that it has helped them to strengthen their faith.

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Jonathan McLatchie (Founder)

Dr Jonathan McLatchie is a Christian writer, scholar and international speaker. Currently, Jonathan works in Seattle at the Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture, where he serves as a fellow and resident biologist. Previously, Jonathan was an assistant professor at Sattler College, Boston, where he lectured biology for four years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree (with Honors) in Forensic Biology, a Masters (M.Res) degree in Evolutionary Biology, a second Master’s degree in Medical and Molecular Bioscience, and a PhD in Evolutionary Biology.

His research interests include the scientific evidence of design in nature; arguments for the existence of God; New Testament scholarship, in particular the historical reliability of the gospels and Acts and the case for the resurrection; answering Jewish objections to Jesus; and religious epistemology.

Jonathan is also the founder and director of, an organization that offers free private mentoring to Christians who are struggling with doubts about faith, in addition to ex-Christians who want to explore whether there is a rational path back to faith.

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