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MessengerX App

Description provided by the App's creators:

Billions of people across the globe still do not have access to discipleship resources in their own language. As a result, people are living and dying without hearing the Good News, and even those who do hear the Gospel often find themselves without resources that help them connect the dots and grow spiritually.

That’s why we’ve made it our mission to provide discipleship resources to every person—regardless of where they live, what language they speak, or what their financial position looks like.

We believe that when people discover and personalize the Good News, they will become Messengers in their own right, sharing God’s story of redemption and reconciliation through their everyday lives and reaching whatever world God has placed them in.

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Messenger International (Creator)
Per the founders of the organization:

At our core, we are a group of messengers who believe in the transformational power of God’s Word and Spirit.

Based in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, our location serves as a constant reminder that we are called onward and upward in this great adventure with God.

Our story began back in 1990 with John & Lisa Bevere trekking across the country to preach the Gospel in their Honda Civic.

Since then, we’ve evolved into a multi-nation, multi-site organization, impacting millions of people worldwide through publishing, traveling and speaking, leadership development initiatives, international broadcast, anti-trafficking/humanitarian work, and MessengerX, our revolutionary discipleship app.

John and Lisa are recognized globally for their boldness and uncompromising approach to Scripture. They are both best-selling authors, and their books have been translated into over 100 languages.

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