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How to Be Free from the Fear of Death Book

In his book "How to Be Free from the Fear of Death", Ray Comfort approaches the universal fear of mortality from a Christian perspective. Comfort recognizes that the fear of death can be relentless and debilitating, hindering our enjoyment of life. His purpose in writing this book is to guide readers in overcoming this fear through faith in Jesus Christ.

Comfort begins by addressing the root causes of our anxieties about death. He explores the reasons behind suffering, aging, and the inevitability of death. His analysis is anchored in the biblical account of original sin and its ongoing consequences for humanity. He contends that a disconnect from God is the true source of our fears about death.

Central to the book is Comfort's emphasis on God's power over death and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. He encourages readers to repent of sin and put their trust fully in Jesus's sacrifice as the path to defeating the fear of death. Comfort highlights that repentance involves changing one's direction, not just seeking forgiveness.

To maintain freedom from this fear, Comfort outlines practical habits he believes will foster ongoing peace. This includes drawing closer to God and seeking His perspective. Comfort stresses that overcoming the fear of death ultimately results in a fulfilling and joyful life unbound by existential terror.

The book concludes with the encouragement for readers to share their newfound freedom with others. Comfort believes that overcoming the fear of death can be a powerful testimony. In sharing this message, readers can actively participate in spreading the Gospel and helping others find peace as well.

Published on:
November 02, 2021
BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC
Book share status:
In registry

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Ray Comfort (Author)

Ray Comfort, born Raymond Raymond Comfort in 1949, is a New Zealand-born evangelist and author known for his street evangelism and creationist views.

He began his career as a film producer in New Zealand, creating content for children and families. It wasn't until a personal tragedy led him to embrace Christianity that his focus shifted towards evangelism.

Comfort co-founded Living Waters Publications with fellow evangelist Kirk Cameron, producing evangelistic tracts and media content. He is best known for his unique style of street evangelism, often engaging strangers in open-air conversations about faith and the Bible.

His approach has garnered both praise and criticism, with supporters commending his passion and dedication, while critics question his methods and theological interpretations.

Regardless of differing opinions, Ray Comfort remains a prominent figure in the world of Christian apologetics, actively engaging in public evangelism and writing books and creating media content to share his beliefs.

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Ray Comfort: Sharing the Gospel with Courage Podcast Epidode
Ray Comfort, a Christian apologist, author, and TV host urges believers to come out of complacency and into sharing the gospel with a world that desperately needs Jesus. While sharing his faith journey, he'll encourage you to have courage like Daniel in the Bible to stand for Christ in the culture and commit yourself to prayer and obedience to share God's love with others.
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