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Cross Examined Podcast Show

At we focus on Christian Apologetics. We seek to present evidence that the Bible is true. Our organization was founded in 2006 as a Christian Apologetic Ministry

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Frank Turek (Host)

Dr. Frank Turek's life took an unexpected turn when he traded Navy flight suits for the mantle of Christian apologist. Born in 1961, Turek's initial career path saw him navigating the skies as a US Navy aviator. However, during his service, he discovered a newfound faith through reading apologetic books, leading him to embrace Protestantism and embark on a new mission.

Turek’s intellectual curiosity fueled his pursuit of knowledge. He earned a Master's degree in Public Administration and a Doctorate in Apologetics, equipping himself with tools to thoughtfully articulate his faith. He even returned to academia, teaching Leadership and Management at George Washington University.

With a blend of passion and expertise, Turek began authoring and co-authoring books. Titles like "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" and "Stealing from God" garnered awards and captivated readers. More importantly, he founded, a platform where he presents his case for Christianity in engaging and often challenging settings. From churches and high schools to secular college campuses, he fearlessly engages in debates with prominent atheists like Christopher Hitchens, earning respect through his articulate arguments.

Turek's influence extends beyond books and debates. He is a sought-after media personality, featuring regularly on radio programs and top TV networks like Fox News. His writings reach a wider audience through columns on and other platforms.

Beyond his public persona, Turek cherishes his personal life. Married to Stephanie, they have raised three sons and are now enjoying the joys of grandparenthood.

Dr. Frank Turek's journey demonstrates the power of personal transformation and the importance of thoughtful dialogue. He continues to inspire and challenge audiences, using his unique background and intellectual prowess to make a compelling case for his faith.

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I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Book

In "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist," Frank Turek argues that atheism requires more faith than belief in God. He challenges the idea that the universe arose by chance and suggests scientific principles like the Laws of Thermodynamics point to a purposeful design.

The book explores philosophical concepts like objective morality and the nature of truth. Turek contends that these concepts necessitate a source beyond the material world, which atheism cannot provide. He also examines the problem of evil, arguing that if God exists, evil must serve a greater purpose.

Turek dedicates sections to the reliability of the Bible and the historical evidence for Jesus' life and teachings. He highlights the logical consistency of Christianity and offers responses to common objections against faith.

Drawing on his experience in apologetics seminars, Turek presents the arguments in a conversational style. He uses analogies and illustrations to make complex ideas accessible to a broad audience.

It's important to note that "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" presents a Christian perspective on faith and science. Readers with different viewpoints may find certain arguments debatable, but the book offers a thought-provoking exploration of the reasons for belief.

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