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Privacy Policy

The Friends of Elohim website’s main goal is to serve as an educational tool for its users. The collection of any data from Website visits is purposed to either ensuring that essential website features are operational or to gain insights that will help improve how it can serve its users in the future. The website has been implemented using tools aimed at protecting the privacy of its users while providing a positive user experience.

This page provides information on the types of information collected, how that information is used, the steps taken to maximize its privacy and safeguarding, and the options you have as a user with respect to the collection and usage of such information.

How is your information collected and used?

For Website users that opt to register an account, the registration process involves the collection of the user’s email address. The sole reason why this information is collected is to make the reset password functionality possible. For security reasons, as user passwords are encrypted and the only way for a user that has forgotten their password to re-gain access to their account is to reset it, the website uses the user's email as part of the password reset mechanism.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, Personal Identifiable Information is Any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means. Source: Given that email addresses are considered Personal Identifiable Information (PII), careful consideration has been given to ensure its safe handling and privacy. Please review the “How the submitted information is protected” section of this page for additional details.

It’s important for you to know that email addresses of registered users will not be shared with any third party for any reason.

Use of third party tracking tools

The website may collect anonymous website usage information using the Google Analytics’ tracking tool. The following anonymous data from website visits is collected:

  • Visited page URL
  • Technology used, such as browser, operating system, device category, mobile model and screen resolution
  • Geographical region, namely country and city

Any tracking data mentioned above is not associated with any particular user, including registered accounts.

Use of cookies

This section provides details on the use of cookies by the Friends of Elohim Website:

Privacy-enhanced mode in YouTube videos
Whenever YouTube videos are embedded in the Friends of Elohim Website, the privacy-enhanced mode feature is enabled to ensure no cookies are set via the embedded code.
CSRF cookie
The information you submit in the Friends of Elohim website is protected from CSRF attacks by setting a cookie named "csrftoken". This cookie is essential for the proper functioning website features such as user registration, login, password reset and more. More information on CSRF can be found below.
Session cookie
A cookie with the name "sessionid" is set in your browser for the website to determine whether you are logged in or not and if you are, provide you with various features available to your account, such as access to your account, favorite resources collection, among other features.

Ways in which your submitted information is protected

The Friends of Elohim Website uses encryption for secure communication via the HTTPS protocol (hence the “https” you see in the browser’s address bar before the domain) which ensures that any information traveling from the website’s server and the user’s computer is encrypted. You can verify this by looking at the lock icon in your browser address bar.

On the moment a user registers an account, the submitted email address and password is protected against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. More information on CSRF can be found on The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) Foundation website's CSRF page.

Furthermore, passwords are stored in the database using one-way encryption, meaning that it is not stored in clear text and not even the database administrator would be able to retrieve it. Hence, the only way for a user to re-gain access to their account should they forget their password is by setting a new one.

For any questions or comments related to this privacy policy, you may use our feedback form

Links to external websites

The majority of the content displayed on this website references third party sources. Friends of Elohim does not endorse any statements made by the authors of any third party source.

Privacy of children

Some of the content shared by this website may not be appropriate for users under the age of 18 without parental consent. If you are under the age of 18, do not register for an account nor navigate this website without the supervision of an adult.

Deleting your account

If you currently have registered an account with the Friends of Elohim Website, you can delete it at any time by using the “Delete my account” feature in your account profile page.

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Cookie Consent
The Friends of Elohim website uses cookies to track anonymous data on visits. You may find more details in our Privacy policy page.
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