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Content creation attribution

Images used in this website


Icons used to visually enhance meaning of certain links and resource types utilize the publicly available and open source bootstrap icon gallery.

Decorative images

Decorative images used in various pages or to visually enhance certain resources are sourced from Unsplash. The following images are used across the Website:

Book with beach background
Man behind a video camera
Artist playing a Bass guitar
Headphones and microphone
Man taking a leap
Wooden cross
Man reading a book
Holding a light bulb
Laptop and notepad on desk
Man writing on paper
Bible page with John 3:16 in red
Man typing on keyboard by desk

Resource descriptions and person biographies

When content authors expressly provide permissions to use their resource descriptions or biographies as shared in their own websites, we will do so. In the meantime, Google Gemini is used to generate resource descriptions and person biographies leveraging publicly available information. For such cases, such content will be flagged with the following icon and label: AI Generated

Multimedia content

Whenever publicly available, videos, music and podcasts are made available through the embed features of YouTube, Vimeo, Apple Podcasts, Apple Music and Spotify. Their respective apps logos are used to also link to the source of each content.

Feeback on content accuracy and authorship attribution

Should you find and that any corrections should be made to the contents made available in this Website, please use our feedback form to relay them to us. We want to ensure we're being respectful to content authorship and information accuracy.

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