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About Friends of Elohim

Who is Elohim?

Elohim is the Hebrew word used in the Bible to refer to the God of Israel. The Old Testament uses many names for God to convey His attributes and character. Elohim conveys the meaning that He is the All Powerful Creator. Although the word Elohim is grammatically a plural word, when referring to the God of Israel, it is used in the singular.

Why was this website created?

This website was created by someone whose life was deeply transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and wants for others to experience that as well.

Like many projects, the idea for this Website stemmed from a simple need of a small group of men at Celebration Church in Georgetown, Texas. Namely, being able to easily share resources that would help deepen their knowledge and understanding of God's Word and learn how to lead an authentic Christian life. With that in mind, given that websites are publicly available, the obvious question came to mind: why not share those resources with anyone else, regardless of where they are? The short answer to the question is Friends of Elohim.

Who is this website for?

This website is for you, regardless of who you are and the world view you hold.
Every effort and time spent on this website is a gift to you, no strings attached, based on the premise that you have an immense intrisinc value in God's eyes. Depending on your belief system, these words may or may not resonate with you. They are genuine and truthful nonetheless.

Project status

Current features

Using this website you currently can:

  • Add resources to your favorites list for later review
  • Create your own shareable collections of resources
  • Find resources by using a topics-based navigation
  • Provide your constructive thoughts using our Feedback form
  • Donate and access the registry status of our books through our book share project
  • Quickly access the last eight added resources from the Home page
  • Navigate resources via a resource-type navigation menu
  • Find information about the individuals or organizations involved with each resource
  • Access related resources and individuals whenever you access a specific resource page
  • Use the search feature to find resources by keyword match
  • Do all of the above by using pretty much any phone, tablet or computer

Future features

These are the features that will become available in time:

Bible studies
Bible studies referencing specific scriptures and associated resources
Category-based navigation
A topics-based navigation menu
World view-based navigation
A feature that will allow you to access resources depending on your current world view
A collection of articles that will address topics that should not be ignored
More resources!
Continuous expansion of the resources catalog

Last, but not least

Important considerations

Content attribution
The intention of this website is to guide its users to meaningful resources while being respectful to content ownership and attribution. Find out more in our content creation attribution page
Use of Generative AI
Generative AI is used to provide publically-available biographies of persons associated with each resource. Should any provided description have any inaccuracies, please use the feedback form to let us know. Every AI-generated summary in this website will have the AI Generated icon
Website autorship and content maintenance
The development of this website, as well as the content generation and curation is performed at the moment by a single individual (hence the use of generative AI for biographies) who also leverages the input of multiple very wise friends. Identities are not revealed for several reasons, the first and most important being that this whole project is not about ourselves.
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Topics navigation

Instructions: Select the topics you want to filter resources by and hit the "Apply filter" button at the bottom of the list. You may select more than one topic.

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Scripture reference